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1 peter 3:19 greek

God has raised Him from the dead and given Him glory. 1 Peter 2:8 "Defense" (Greek: apologia): Christians should always be ready to give a defense, . Nor is there any reason to fear that silence in such a case would inflict a real loss on the church of God. It was no afterthought, but His settled plan. And may God help us to be tenderhearted, not to become callused or indifferent to the needs of people around us but that we might have tender hearts, full of pity. But certainly when the Israelites were binding themselves to obey the law, it was as far as possible from a confession of atonement. After the one, and before the other, the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven is the power of Christian blessedness, and as we know also of the church, no less than of preaching the gospel everywhere. She must live in the conviction that the whole world is the Temple of God and that all life is lived in the presence of Christ. An idea similar to the one here expressed may be found in 2 Peter 2:4, though the word prison does not there occur: God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and in Jude 1:6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. The allusion, in the passage before us, is undoubtedly to confinement or imprisonment in the invisible world; and perhaps to those who are reserved there with reference to some future arrangement - for this idea enters commonly into the use of the word prison. I admit that what is in the Bible requires faith; and this is as it should be. The word Peter uses for pledge is eperotema ( G1906) . What Christ was to them then was all: not in the least did any suspect (for indeed it was not yet true) that any were in Him. He may have done this either by His resurrection itself or by some special announcement to them. Noah was preaching a message that God had given him, and in this sense Jesus Christ spoke through him (cf. There is no evidence for it at all; and it is not natural to bring in Enoch, for the whole picture is of the work of Christ. John Piper Sep . And when he ascended, he led the captives from their captivity" ( Ephesians 4:8-9 ). 1 Peter 3:19-22New International Version. When the suffering is part of the human situation, it still cannot despoil him of the most precious things in life. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, ( NASB: Lockman) Greek: all' ei kai paschoite ( 2PPAO) dia dikaiosunen, makarioi. And here it is well to observe, as an important fact to be recognised, that salvation in Peter's epistle looks onward to the future, where it is not otherwise qualified. And it becomes a beautiful symbol.But if it has not happened in my heart, it cannot happen by the ritual. This may be in various measures, and therefore no more is meant than so far as want of faith is allowed to work. The name of Enoch does not appear in any Greek manuscript. There were as many ways of dressing the hair as there were bees in Hybca. In the Revelation the song of praise comes from every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth and under the earth ( Revelation 5:13). Because they love what is right they may be persecuted by those who love what is wrong, but to suffer for such a reason is a cause for joy, not sorrow. Isaiah writes: "For Sheol cannot thank thee, death cannot praise thee; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for thy faithfulness" ( Isaiah 38:18). Gave Him to shed His blood? (a) It has a Jewish background. . Turn away from evil, do good. This was a new conception in the ancient world. So you, husbands don't try to pounce on this scripture and use it as a club to beat your wives in submission. Then this explanation cannot be right. It is only a theologian who finds a difficulty. This, then, may serve to show the true nature of Christianity, which, coming in after redemption, is founded on it, and forms in us heavenly associations and hopes while Jesus is away, and we are waiting for Him to return. She must be submissive. Christianity is come to us now; but when really known, it is not at all a mere question of prophetic testimony, even though this be of God, but there is the preaching of the gospel by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. We do not wait for times and seasons. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." He'll be gone and then I won't have anything. Noah preached in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit whom Peter has earlier called "the Spirit of Christ" ( 1 Pet. ft "KESTREL" TRENTHAM MEETING STEEPLECHASE SURPRISE MANAWATU'S BIG PRICE KOREROS PARLIAMENTARY % SPRINT IO DUNGARVAN ( Per Press Association. ) be tedious to reckon up the several different senses of this So man fell into sin; as the result, lost fellowship with God. saved; whereas the apostle calls them all, "the world of the Thus the passage is altogether dissociated from the doctrine of the descent into hell; and the sense (though not the Greek) would be better expressed by writing, He had gone and preached unto the spirits (now) in prison. The Christian does not belong to the world, and consequently is not bound by accidents of time. A Christian wife of those times lived in a society where she would be tempted to senseless extravagance and where she might well go in fear of the caprices of her heathen husband; but she must live in selfless service, in goodness and in serene trust. The suffering of Christ was for us; and the mystery is that he who deserved no suffering bore that suffering for us who deserved to suffer. For Christ also died once and for all for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. . It was just before that judgment fell on them, and this because they despised the testimony of Christ through Noah. It declares that the Christian man has a new place and standing not in the first Adam at all, but in the Second in the presence of God man without sin, and accepted according to the acceptance of Christ before God. 851-52; Selwyn, p. 199; John S. Feinberg, "1 Peter 3:18-20, Ancient Mythology, and the Intermediate State," Westminster Theological Journal 48:2 (Fall 1986):303-36; and Wayne Grudem, "Christ Preaching through Noah: 1 Peter 3:19-20 in the Light of Dominant Themes in Jewish Literature," Trinity Journal 7NS:2 (Fall 1986):3-31.] judgment, which is an eternal one; nor is there any salvation, or It comes, first, from the sense of creatureliness. That would be the best sermon she could preach to win her husband for Christ. But the sanctification of the Spirit laid down here is in order to the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus; and therefore unless you would destroy the grace of God, and reverse a multitude of scriptures as to justification by faith, this sanctification cannot be one's practice of day by day. Here we have the first great primary fact, that the Christian Jew does not belong any more to the elect nation; but is taken out of this his former position, and is elect after a wholly new sort. It is the instinct of that new nature, of life in the believer, who, being born of God, has this necessary feeling of the new nature, the desire to do the will of God. And Abraham, though it hurt him, got rid of Hagar and Ishmael. of life, are called "spirits", which seems to be a word that You may have the real substance of the truth, but you cannot have it in all official propriety at the present time. So you can translate that "behavior" or "lifestyle" or "manner of living." It is a logos ( G3056) that the Christian must give, and a logos ( G3056) is a reasonable and intelligent statement of his position. One could say that Jesus proclaimed a message to Noahs unbelieving contemporaries in His spirit (i.e., His spiritual state of life before the Incarnation) through Noah. ", This leads to another important point; that if we do suffer, it ought never to be for sin, and for the affecting reason that Christ has once for all suffered for sins. They have to bear in mind first that the flock is God's. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This is, indeed, a more tolerable sense than the former; There's where you have to get the right perspective. Let him meet criticism with a life which is beyond reproach. In this passage Peter has three great things to say about baptism. Nevertheless obedience abides the principle of the Christian. He is righteous; He is jealous of His house; but if this be serious for His own, where shall the sinner appear? Will the dust praise thee? Sulpicius Gallus dismissed his wife because she had once appeared in the streets without a veil. Finally a warning is given as to the importance of suffering according to God's will, committing meanwhile their souls in well-doing to Him as a faithful Creator. It is clearly seen how he treats these Jews, and what they used to boast of. Those addressed from among the Jews were among the chosen ones, "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.". Accordingly he is exceedingly annoyed because one of the most spiritual of his congregation goes away, though it may be to follow God's word more faithfully; and no doubt there is a great deal of pain and feeling on the part of the member of the congregation who is leaving his minister. On the other method of interpretation, we can suggest a reason why they were particularly specified. If he suffered, to bring us to God, shall not we submit to difficulties, since they are of so much use to quicken us in our return to God, and in the performance of our duty to him? I have before me one of the first, if not the very first edition of the Latin Bible; and in it the verse stands thus: In quo et hiis, qui in carcere erant, SPIRITUALITER veniens praedicavit; "by which he came spiritually, and preached to them that were in prison.". They, like the fallen angels, were then "spirits in prison." The obligation of the husband,1 Peter 3:7 E. The appeal for becoming corporate conduct, 1 Peter 3:8-12 1. She must be pure. It speaks of the "finery of the anklets, the headbands and the crescents; the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarfs; the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes and the amulets; the signet rings and nose rings; the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks and the handbags; the garments of gauze, the linen garments, the turbans and the veils.". "He," it is said of Christ, "gave them gifts, to each man according to his several ability." But there are some problems with this theory. ] various are the senses given of this passage: some say, that christ, upon his death, went in his human soul to hell; either, as some, to preach to the devils and damned spirits, that they might be saved, if they would; and, as others, to let them know that he was come, and to fill them with dread and terror; but though hell may be By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; "By which" refers to the Holy Spirit of verse 18. Members of His body? Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they may also without the word be won by the conversation or behavior of the wives ( 1 Peter 3:1 ); Or the lifestyle of the wife. 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Now the new nature in the believer never has any other thought or feeling; only in our case there is also the old nature which may, and which alas! We have seen that the attempt at the elimination of this passage fails. In writing to the Christians of Corinth, he uses the same picture of the Christians as members of one body in spite of all their differing qualities and gifts ( 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). The true drift is this "Nor as lording it over your possessions." The word , spirits, is supposed to render this view of the subject improbable, because this must mean disembodied spirits; but this certainly does not follow, for the spirits of just men made perfect, Hebrews 12:23, certainly means righteous men, and men still in the Church militant; and the Father of spirits, Hebrews 12:9, means men still in the body; and the God of the spirits of all flesh, Numbers 16:22; Numbers 27:16, means men not in a disembodied state. There is another possibility, namely, that the whole antediluvian world to whom the preaching was directed were said by Peter in this passage to have been "in prison" at the time of the preaching of Noah. "Evil for evil.". Yet the Christian life has a certain blessedness which runs through it all. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. It is easy to lose the sense of pity and still easier to be satisfied with a sentimentalism which feels a moment's comfortable sorrow and does nothing. Because the more cold and aloof you are, the less secure she feels. We might put it that the Old Testament event symbolically represents and foreshadows the New Testament event. For a wife to change her religion while her husband did not was unthinkable. 2 Peter 2:4) and that they were disobedient in the days of Noah (1 Peter 3:20). Beautiful Christian trait: courtesy. Never should I for one blame their tenacity in adhering to the truth and duty of advancing in practical holiness, or what they call sanctification. "All power," He said, "is given to me in heaven and in earth." So how we live is extremely important, just as important as what we say. There may be a still more diffusive action of the Holy Ghost when He is shed upon all flesh, not merely as a sample, but to an extent (I do not say depth) beyond what was accomplished on the day of Pentecost. "Heirs together. Why is it that you are not upset over this? When he refers it to the present, it is the salvation of souls, not of bodies. If persons take the actual application as the fulfilment of the prophecies, it in fact not only nullifies the future of scripture, but destroys the beauty and point of the present; for what the apostle intimates is, that they had obtained mercy now, though none were yet sown in the earth. The Christian is humble because he is constantly aware of his utter dependence on God and that of himself he can do nothing. Want the Verse of the Day sent to your inbox? The apostle passes from the example of Christ to that of the old world, and sets before the Jews, to whom he wrote, the different event of those who believed and obeyed Christ preaching by Noah, from those that continued disobedient and unbelieving, intimating to the Jews that they were under a like sentence. In the general sense of the word, salvation awaits the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. The technical word for that question and answer clause is eperotema ( G1906) in Greek, stipulatio in Latin. While He was here, there was a kind of mingled experience. Sep 19, 2015. All this will come in due time, and it may be very rapidly, even the self-same hour; but the very first thing that a soul born of God feels is the desire at all cost to do the will of God. (c) If Christ descended into Hades and preached there, there is no corner of the universe into which the message of grace has not come. Whatever may be found in hymns, or sermons, or theology, scripture knows no such thing as an elect church. The order here is precise and instructive. God required no more blood, no more death. Then it is that the trial of the faith of the Christian will be made manifest in glory. how often and readily the. "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" in their bodies, in the general deluge, yet their souls were What the Word of God is speaking in I Peter 3:19 is not about dead people but about spirits, angelic beings that are in a prison, in the Tartarus, bound in everlasting chains under darkness. Well, the thing is I know the woman; I know her problems. It is not to be explained in terms of a swoon on the Cross, or anything like that. ( Wuest, K. S. Wuest's Word Studies from the Greek New Testament: Eerdmans) Peter is saying in essence Yes you are suffering but He suffered also. manifestation, made known unto them: but though the word may Jesus preached to the souls in prison. (vi) Lastly, and as a climax, Peter sets forgiveness. Gentiles, in the times of the apostles: add to which, that the but it would be tedious to reckon up the several different senses of this place; some referring it to such in Noah's time, to whom the Gospel was preached, and who repented; and though they suffered in their bodies, in the general deluge, yet their souls were saved; whereas the apostle calls them all, "the world of the ungodly", 2 Peter 2:5 and others, to the eight souls that were shut up in the ark, as in a prison, and were saved; though these are manifestly distinguished in the text from the disobedient spirits. Others, as the Papists, imagine the sense to be, that you are the daughters of Sarah, as long as you do well, and are not afraid with any amazement ( 1 Peter 3:6 ). He was put to death in the flesh, but he was raised to life in the Spirit, in which also he went and preached to the spirits who are in prison, the spirits who were once upon a time disobedient in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built, in which some few--that is, eight souls--were brought in safety through the water. To him be the glory and the might for the ages of the ages. It is a mistake to construe it of one that knows not what took place in the lower parts of the earth. 1:10 ). That very system of reason that makes so much of the will of man, and is not a little proud of it, would deprive God Himself of a will, and under penalty of man's accusation of injustice forbids its exercise according to His own pleasure. Now Peter's telling us the very same thing. And before He went away, He had left the promise of His return for them. (1) THE MARKS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE ( 1 Peter 3:8-12 ). I do not mean that they may not acquire previously a delusive glory; nor that the antichrist by fraud will not palm himself off as the Messiah, and settle some of them in the land, according toDaniel 11:1-45; Daniel 11:1-45. However, apart from that, on which I do not mean to enter more tonight, one thing is remarkable, that even when all was in apostolic, order, and where pastors and teachers and prophets and so on were, and besides, where the elders had been fitly appointed by the apostles themselves or by apostolic men, even there and at that very time they were exhorted against the notion of considering, "This is my congregation, and that is your leader." noun. She's needing this assurance and she fishes for this assurance because she needs the security of knowing that she's loved. "A saint," as someone has said, "is someone whose life makes it easier to believe in God. This is not by any means the only meaning of blood, even where it was sacrificially employed. 4. THE SILENT PREACHING OF A LOVELY LIFE ( 1 Peter 3:1-2 ). Whose adorning let it not be that outward [adorning] of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But [let it be] the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, [even the ornament] of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. On the supposition, therefore, that this whole passage refers to his preaching to the antediluvians in the time of Noah, and not to the spirits after they were confined in prison, this is language which the apostle would have properly and probably used. Furthermore as God judged the mockers in Noahs day, so will He judge those who persecuted Peters readers. (c) The context indicates that Christ was preaching through Noah, who was in a persecuted minority, and God saved Noah, which is similar to the situation in Peters time: Christ is now preaching the gospel through Peter and his readers (1 Peter 3:15) to a persecuted minority, and God will save them. It is Paul's dream that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth ( Php_2:10 ). Thus the passage is sufficiently plain. And in giving the rule, God was thinking of the other. . That, of course, we call hypocrisy and that has been the bane and the curse of the church. That's always a better thing. It is a great mistake to suppose that the blood there is used as a sign of the putting away of sin. The apostle Paul pressed on the Christian slave the beauty and responsibility of obedience; but Peter insists on it whether a man be a slave or not. That is, we have had accomplishment in the past; and we look for future fulfilment of all the bright anticipations of the coming kingdom. You're witnessing against yourself. It is implied in the expression, as already remarked, that he did this himself; that it was the Son of God who subsequently became incarnate, and not the Holy Spirit, that did this; though the language is consistent with the supposition that he did it by the instrumentality of another, to wit, Noah. In our case it is all through Jesus. It is not here blessing them in heavenly places in Christ. And you have become her children, if you do good, and if you do not become a prey to fluttering fears. Such was the ordering of matters under God's hand for both. And this was an important point; for the Jews reasoned, that because God brings out one thing today, He could not bring out another tomorrow. Some wish to eliminate it altogether and attempt to do so along two lines. What Peter is saying is: "Love goodness with that passionate intensity with which the most fanatical patriot loves his country." Hence this anxiety of expectation was to them a kind of prison. There can be no Christianity without compassion. He did so to strengthen their resolve to rededicate themselves to follow Gods will wholeheartedly and confidently. Grace and peace be yours in abundance. The flesh never counts on God for good. They will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. Unto Christ's obedience and the sprinkling of His blood; for "Jesus Christ" belongs to both these clauses. "We are begotten again," says he, "to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." He went and preached unto the spirits in prison. And big boys don't cry; that is, big boys aren't emotional. It is not so much that he actually quotes them, as that he could not have written the passage at all unless the Old Testament had been in his mind. It is well known that such expressions are often redundant in Greek writers, as in others. 211.]. by all sorts of circumstances, and above all by the evil of our old nature that surrounds it, in Him, as we know, absolutely perfect and without mixture. It doesn't save you. Then the prophecies will be fulfilled. To my mind, nothing is more wonderful in our blessed Lord here below than this devotedness to His Father, not merely now and again, but as the one motive that animated Him from the beginning to the end of His course here below. In 1 Peter 3:18-22 he cited Jesus resurrection and ascension into glory, the "missing links" in the previous record of Jesus experiences. (2)THE MARKS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE ( 1 Peter 3:8-12 continued). The cruelty which is hardest to bear is often not deliberate but the product of sheer thoughtlessness. There may be no sense of liberty yet, nor even joy in the Lord; there can be no solid peace whatever. sin, and had been for long time past foolish and disobedient, It must be remembered that at this stage of the Church's history we are still dealing with adult baptism, the baptism of people who had come straight from heathenism into Christianity and who were taking upon themselves a new way of life. Such is Christianity. Therefore be would have them know that, as to the novelty with which they reproach Christianity, it was altogether a mistake; for the Lamb without blemish and without spot, though only lately slain, was foreordained before the foundation of the world. As Bigg puts it: "The sighs of the injured wife come between the husband's prayers and God's hearing." It is not affirmed that he preached the gospel, for if that specific idea had been expressed it would have been rather by another word - euangelizo. A very important development follows in the next verses. 162.] "Such expressions (he went) are often redundant in Greek. They are not yet finished; and they must be punctually fulfilled. Scripture: 1 Peter 3:9. There is, however, no specification of the place where this is; no intimation that it is purgatory - a place where the departed are supposed to undergo purification; no intimation that their condition can be affected by anything that we can do; no intimation that those particularly referred to differ in any sense from the others who are confined in that world; no hint that they can be released by any prayers or sacrifices of ours. The sufferings of Christ were a true and proper punishment; this punishment was suffered to expiate and to make an atonement for sin; and it extends to all sin. And who [is] he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? Christ has suffered for sins; He has had there, if we may so say, a monopoly; and there let it end: why should we? WELLINGTON, July 9 (ii) The second attitude is limitation. This is founded on the very principle of Christianity itself; that is, doing good, suffering for it, and taking it patiently. Now Peter is saying, Honor her knowing that she's weaker. It was a real inward and not merely external setting apart; it was through "sanctification of the Spirit." To what did it all point? True growth in practice confessedly is after justification; sanctification in 1 Peter 1:2 is before justification. You remember when Peter was arrested for the preaching of the Gospel and they beat him and told him not to preach anymore in the name of Jesus Christ? I can understand them, but do not in the least agree with them. I have every confidence of that. branch of it, his prophetic office, before he appeared in human It is God's instruction: "You shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tent of meeting" ( Exodus 29:4). And this hippie kid, you know the beard and the whole thing, got out of his van and he looked back at me and just came with a peace sign, you know.You know suddenly I felt real terrible about laying on my horn and the attitude that I had. He does not advise the wife to leave her husband. So that when they bite into the sandwich, they get the word and they pull it out of their mouth and they read, God loves you, you know. Hair was waved and dyed, sometimes black, more often auburn. In this passage we can see how Peter was soaked in the Old Testament; there are two Old Testament foundations for it. First he is surrounded by an evil world, but, besides, he has not lost in fact something nearer that is quite as bad as what is in the world. Peter treats chiefly of the former, Paul of both, but chiefly of the latter. International Standard Version. We have already mentioned these angels. Even if you do have to suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. He tells her something very simple--nothing else than to be a good wife. See Matthew 3:1; Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:35; Mark 5:20; Mark 7:36. 1 Peter 3 - Submission and Suffering A. Submission in the home. , by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, They saw not His form, but heard the sound of His voice. On the day of Pentecost, Peter received an outpouring of the Holy Ghost and manifested the gift of tongues as he "began to speak with other tongues" (Acts 2:4) to diaspora Jews "out of every nation" (Acts 2:5). Nevertheless the apostle there claims the most unqualified subjection to the powers that be. It is not merely the work effected, but salvation revealed; and hence it necessarily awaits the revelation of Jesus Christ. Expressions ( he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. there is used as a club beat! Become her children, if ye be followers of that which is hardest bear... Not was unthinkable of Noah ( 1 Peter 3:8-12 1 it still can not despoil of! 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